P3, Cleaning up OpenStreetMap data
Now it is time for the third post dedicated to the Udacity nanodegree and this time the theme is data wrangling. Rather than focus on the analysis of the data, we will work with checking its consistency and looking for possible human errors that might have occurred when the data was created. Tools used this time was my text editor of choice, VIM, together with MongoDB and the accompanying driver for python called pymongo.
Introduction and overview
Now it is time to take a swing at what many sources say is the main part, of what a professional data scientist do, cleaning and preparing data.
To have something to work with I have downloaded OpenStreetMap data of the surroundings where I grew up. Just to make sure that we do not get tempted and start cleaning everything manually I decided to download a chunk of data with a respectable size of ~75Mb.
Since the input is provided by humans there are bound to be some mistakes or inconsistencies. The plan is to take a look at city names, street addresses, and post numbers to see if we can find anything we need to straighten out.
After cleaning our data we convert it from the original .osm format to .json in order to easily import it into a local MongoDB instance. Once we have loaded the data into our database we try some queries to see if there is anything interesting to discover about our data set.
What is OpenStreetMap?
Before we start working with the data I believe a small introduction to the OpenStreetMap(OSM) project is in its place. The following is a short summary from the OSM wiki.
The data consists of five different types of elements and each element can have tags attached to it describing what that element is. The five element types are:
- Node: Nodes are dots used to that mark locations. Nodes can be separate or can be connected.
- Way: Ways are a connected line of nodes. It is used to create roads, paths, rivers, and so on.
- Closed way: Closed ways are ways that form a closed loop. Usually forms an area.
- Area: Areas are closed ways which are also filled. An area is usually implicitly implied when making a closed way.
- Relation: Relation can be used to create more complex shapes or to represent elements that are related but not physically connected. We won’t get into this now. See the “advanced topics” section for more info.
These are the basic elements that define the structure of the dataset we are going to work with. Further, each of these elements can carry tags in the form of key and value pairs describing the parent element and its characteristics.
There is an abundance of different tags, for example, to describe a building you add ‘building=yes’ to a closed way and a fast food restaurant would be a node having an ‘amenity=fast_food’ tag attached to it.
For a quick example, see this example from the wiki page. Just to give an example before we start this is a short extract from the file we are going to use.
A small note on character encoding
If you are from a part of the world, like me, where not only the standard characters from A to Z are being used you might get some initial troubles when trying to handle text strings in your local language.
First of all, you will need to add the following row to the top line of your file to tell python that you want to use utf-8 as your character encoding.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Also, for some reason, print statements don’t print out sets or arrays with strings containing utf-8 characters properly but you can solve this with a loop and a print statement printing out each element separately.
And lastly, for strings defined in your python code will have to explicitly be
stated as unicode strings by prepending a u in front of the first quote like
this u'My unicode string.'
I believe this should have been fixed in python 3 but since the Nanodegree’s material still is targeting python 2.7 I am sticking to that version for now.
Cleaning up the data
So let’s start by planning how we should clean our dataset. We will follow an iterative process given in the class for Data Wrangling from the Data Analyst Nanodegree. The steps of this process are as described below:
- Audit - Find problematic elements in the data set
- Plan cleaning - Identify cause, define cleaning operation, and test it
- Execute - Execute the plan(usually in the form of a python script)
- Manually correct - Manually correct any remaining problematic elements
Instead of trying to clean everything all at once we will limit ourselves to cleaning one aspect per iteration, creating a new script for each new aspect we decide to clean and then when ready we combined the scripts to create our final fully cleaned .json data file.
Now it is finally time to get our hands dirty with some python and we start by looking at the data set’s address field. The first subfield we look at is the postcode using the following python function to audit our data.
POST_CODE_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\d{3} \d{2}$')
def audit_post_code(unknown_codes, post_code):
Function used to check if the provided post_code is conforming to the
expected name format. If not add the post_code to the provided
unknown_codes set.
if not POST_CODE_REGEX.match(post_code):
if post_code[:2] >= 42 and post_code[:2] <= 54:
What this function does is that it compares all postcodes we find in our dataset with the regular expression given and if the code doesn’t match the format we expect it to have we add it to the ‘unknown_codes’ set. By the way, the format for Swedish postcodes is two set of 3 and 2 numbers separated by a space, visit Wikipedia to learn more.
To add a bit more finesse we also check that the two first digits of the postcode is in the range between 42 and 54 which is the positional numbers indicating the region our map data is taken from. Anything not starting in this range is probably wrong and from a totally different part of the country than what we are expecting.
Running the above code and printing out the postcodes found in the
variable we found that some codes were inputted in the data set
without the separating space we are expecting.
Now to device our plan for how to fix this issue we use the below function that takes a five digit number and splits it up into two groups of 3 and 2 digits. (In hindsight doing this the other way around, treating the postcodes as a 5 digit number would have been a better choice since handling a string for a number is far from optimal.)
def update_post_code(post_code):
if post_code[3] != ' ':
post_code = post_code[:3] + ' ' + post_code[3:]
return post_code
In order to test if our plan worked we run the above lines of code on all the
problematic elements we find before running the auditing code one more time.
This time we were lucky and the above few lines of code solved all the
issues we had found. Would this not have been the case we would have
needed to print out the given unknown_codes
one more time to see if the
remaining elements could be cleaned programmatically in any other way or if we
need to go in and fix the remaining parts manually.
This is repeated until we are confident that the chosen aspect of our data is clean enough. Once we come this far we continue by choosing another aspect of the data set and once again go through the whole above process starting from the first step.
This time I repeated the process for the city names and street names attributes and fixed the following errors before deciding that it was enough:
One city name contained the postcode instead of the correct data. Since there was only one occurrence of this error it felt reasonable to just correct it by hand.
Street names had inconsequent capitalization, used
method to fix this. -
Street names had an inconsequent ordering of place names as part of the address, sometimes the place name was before and sometimes after the actual street name. Verified possible place names and then pushed any occurrences of these names in front of the street name to make the format consistent.
Also verified that all addresses in the dataset had prefixes, suffixes, or names-endings normally used in Swedish street names.
To see the code for how I did these checks and revisions please see the
and audit_street_names.py
files on this projects
github page.
Finishing this it felt like a good timing to move on to creating our .json file.
Converting our .osm data file to .json
Converting our data from the .osm format to .json we first need to decide on
what model we should use for our data. While some tags can be directly
transferred from one format to another just by bringing over the key-value pair
to .json, some tags are nested with sub tags using the following type of notation
. One example of this is the address tag that looks like the
following in the .osm data format:
<tag k="addr:city" v="Vårgårda" />
<tag k="addr:housenumber" v="1A" />
<tag k="addr:street" v="Hallabergsvägen" />
We would like to translate this to something a bit more elegant in our .json data that looks like this:
"address": {
"city": "Vårgårda",
"street": "Hallabergsvägen",
"housenumber": "1A"
We will do something similar with the metadata values saved in the element by grouping together values such as “version”, “changeset”, “timestamp”, “user”, and “uid”.
Lastly, we also want to convert the positional coordinates from two separate “lat” and “lon” key-value pairs into one single “pos” entry containing a list with the “lat” and “lon” values.
The final resulting data model will look something similar to this:
"id": "2406124091",
"type: "node",
"created": {
"pos": [41.9757030, -87.6921867],
"address": {
"housenumber": "5157",
"postcode": "60625",
"street": "North Lincoln Ave"
"amenity": "restaurant",
"cuisine": "mexican",
"name": "La Cabana De Don Luis",
"phone": "1 (773)-271-5176"
To transform the current .osm data to .json we use the below
-function which groups metadata, positional coordinates and
addresses (together with any other tags containing sub-tags) while writing our
other key-value pairs as is into our .json data file. You can reference the file
in the github repository
Writing a script were we run all the elements through the above code snippet gives us a .json data file at ~85Mb (an 13.5% increase in size) with our newly cleaned map data.
Now we only have two steps left, to import the .json file into a local MongoDB instance and use the MongoDB query language (through pymongo in our case) to ask some question about my old hometown.
Importing the .json datafile to MongoDB
This actually doesn’t take that much effort. To import our newly generated .json data file we only make sure that we are running our MongoDB instance before inputting the following command in our command line.
$ mongoimport --db p3 --collection maps --file openStreetMapData.osm.json
With this command, we have now loaded our data containing 395053 documents into our local MongoDB instance.
Running queries
So, when we now have got all our data into MongoDB it would be a waste not to try running a couple of queries to see what the dataset contains.
(To see how to run these queries through pymongo yourself take a look here)
Number of nodes:
> db.maps.find({"type": "node"}).count()
Number of ways:
> db.maps.find({"type": "way"}).count()
Unique users:
> len(db.maps.distinct("created.user"))
Top #10 contributors:
> db.maps.aggregate([
{"$group":{"_id": "$created.user", "count": {"$sum": 1}}},
{"$sort":{ "count": -1}},
{"$limit": 10}
{u'count': 243983, u'_id': u'Agatefilm'}
{u'count': 45478, u'_id': u'leojth'}
{u'count': 15708, u'_id': u'tothod'}
{u'count': 11874, u'_id': u'bengibollen'}
{u'count': 10988, u'_id': u'johnrobot'}
{u'count': 10042, u'_id': u'KLARSK'}
{u'count': 8383, u'_id': u'clobar'}
{u'count': 8103, u'_id': u'Gujo'}
{u'count': 4627, u'_id': u'DavidSamuelsson'}
{u'count': 3186, u'_id': u'Cohan'}
Most common amenity:
> db.maps.aggregate([
{"$match": {"amenity": {"$exists": 1}}},
{"$group": {"_id": "$amenity", "count": {"$sum": 1}}},
{"$sort": {"count": -1}},
{"$limit": 10}
{u'count': 329, u'_id': u'parking'}
{u'count': 55, u'_id': u'place_of_worship'}
{u'count': 44, u'_id': u'bicycle_parking'}
{u'count': 33, u'_id': u'shelter'}
{u'count': 32, u'_id': u'restaurant'}
{u'count': 30, u'_id': u'school'}
{u'count': 27, u'_id': u'grave_yard'}
{u'count': 22, u'_id': u'fuel'}
{u'count': 21, u'_id': u'post_box'}
{u'count': 18, u'_id': u'recycling'}
From the above queries, one that stands out for me is the last one listing the most common amenities contained in the dataset. Coming from what usually is called the most coffee shop dense town in Sweden I am surprised to not be able to see something to that effect listed in the above list (last time I looked this up were a couple of years ago but, there was somewhere between 20-25 coffee shops, bakeries or similar establishments present at that time).
Let’s see if we can find these lost coffee shops somewhere. My first hypothesis would be to check if there are any data we are missing hidden in the restaurant or bakery tags.
Let’s check how many restaurants and bakeries there are in addition to the number of coffee shops.
Number of cafes, restaurants, and bakeries:
> agg_results = db.maps.aggregate([
{"$match": {"$or": [
{"amenity": "cafe"},
{"amenity": "restaurant"},
{"shop": "bakery"}
{"$group": {"_id": {"amenity": "$amenity", "shop": "$shop"},
"count": {"$sum": 1}}}
{u'count': 5, u'_id': {u'shop': u'bakery'}}
{u'count': 15, u'_id': {u'amenity': u'cafe'}}
{u'count': 32, u'_id': {u'amenity': u'restaurant'}}
We can see using the above query that there are plenty of restaurants for it to be room for some mislabeled coffee shops as well. Let’s have a look at what type of values the cuisine tag for these restaurants are.
List up the different cuisines for restaurants in the data set:
> agg_results = db.maps.aggregate([
{"$match": {"amenity": "restaurant"}},
{"$group": {"_id": "$cuisine", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}
{u'count': 1, u'_id': u'italian'}
{u'count': 8, u'_id': u'pizza'}
{u'count': 5, u'_id': u'regional'}
{u'count': 1, u'_id': u'thai'}
{u'count': 1, u'_id': u'chinese'}
{u'count': 16, u'_id': None}
Other than seeing that Swedish people seem to strongly favor pizza in front of any other type of food to eat at a restaurant we also see that we have around 16 restaurants that don’t have a specified cuisine. We will have to dig a bit deeper and have a look at what other data we have on these restaurants to see if we might be able to pinpoint our missing coffee shops. To list up all the keys we find we will use the following python function.
def find_all_keys(collection):
def find_keys_in_doc(doc):
found_keys = []
for k, v in doc.items():
return found_keys
all_keys = []
for doc in collection:
all_keys += find_keys_in_doc(doc)
return sorted(set(all_keys))
With the above function, we using the following to find all restaurants with any defined cuisine and save the output into a new MongoDB collection we call subset.
> db.maps.aggregate([
{"$match": {"$and": [
{"amenity": "restaurant"},
{"cuisine": {"$exists": 0}}
{"$out": "subset"}])
> keys = find_all_keys(db.subset.find({}))
_id: 16
amenity: 16
building: 2
created: 16
id: 16
leisure: 1
name: 5
node_refs: 2
pos: 14
smoking: 1
source: 1
type: 16
wheelchair: 1
Given the above results we can see that there actually is not much we can do that does not require considerable effort. Would there had been address tags for these positions we could have done a cross check with the Swedish version of the yellow pages perhaps to find additional data but less than half of these restaurants we found do not carry much more information than the position, metadata, and the amenity tag.
In the beginning, I was surprised that there was this much data on the region given that it is a really minor town in a to begin with small country but I start to believe that the reason is that the resolution of the data is not that high. Just to verify this let’s run a last query, similar to the one above but on our whole data set and print out the results.
Occurrences of tags for all data points in the map data set:
> keys = find_all_keys(db.maps.find({}))
Bing: 4
_id: 395053
access: 157
activation: 2
address: 2275
wikipedia: 13
wires: 4
workrules: 87
Unfortunately, there were way too many keys to list all of them here but giving the list a quick readthrough it is possible to say that with exception for the most basic tags there are both duplicates, inconsistent naming (in Swedish and English) to name a few of the problems. Since not only the data values but also the keys to a large extent are made by the users I start to feel that we should not only have taken a look at the values before creating our .json file and imported to MongoDB but also the keys.
This would take far too much time to start over at this point so I save this for a rainy day sometime in the future instead. But, we can say that while it is important to have clean and consistent data the metadata is equally important in order to analyze it.
As a last footnote, a possible way to flesh out the missing parts of the data set would be to use another data source with information complementing the one existing OpenStreetMap data. One such source would be the Swedish yellow pages, eniro.se, which contains addresses and names of both businesses and private residents in Sweden.
I believe that as long as we use the data obtained for personal use it should be okay, but they might like to have a word with us should our analysis end up in any commercial application. Another thing to take into account is restrictions on the number of requests and amount of data we are able to pull out from their open API. It is not uncommon that there are restrictions to minimize the risk of misuse and depending on the size of our data set this might cause trouble for us.
Thank you for holding out until the end of another of my long posts and I hope to see you next time when we will look closer at some explorative data analysis.